Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Last Image


I just finished reading a great book called the Last Lecture by Randy Pausch. If you haven't read it make sure to pick up a copy. Not only was is a phenomenal book allowing you to peer into the soul of a dying man. But it also invokes questions surrounding your accomplishments in life; future goals and your legacy. Relating that to photography, I've already asked myself what are my desired goals and accomplishments. That's the easy part. My desired goals are to one day shoot a photo session for "Baby Couture, Esquire, Modern Weddings and Dwell. For my accomplishments, I want to shoot portraits that transform images into art. 


RHoney said...

That is a great question, and a really hard one to answer, I will need to think about it!

Anonymous said...

I love this question. I think I would combine my two tangible loves in life (my little girl and historical sites), taking a photo of my daughter somewhere with exotic historical significance, like Easter Island or Machu Picchu.