Saturday, August 30, 2008

Free to Succeed Tour - NY

I'm still beaming from attending the Free to Succeed workshop last week. I flew down from Toronto Canada to attend and I was soooo glad I went.  I don't know where to begin.  From connecting with another photography network guru that I admire tremendously, [b]ecker.  To connecting with David Luebke from Couture Book.  From networking with other photographers who also want to grow their photography business.  From hearing a great "I was DETERMINED" sermon delivered from Jasmine Star which had a lasting effect on me.  To finally, connecting with David Jay who presented us with great a amount of information of which I'll be utilizing his methods for many years to come.  Thank you to you all. 

I met some great photographers at this workshop...let's promise to stay in touch so that we can continue to inspire each other.  Sorry I did not get a shot of you Parris but many thanks for flagging down a cab for me and directing me back to the airport.  Parris Whittingham Photography

I met a great photographer from LJW Photography.  Laurie, thanks for the equipment advice...I  hope to connect with you again.  By the way I love the web-sight !!! 

I got to meet another yardy photographer from Jamaica named Dennis Hammond.  Check out not only photography blog Hammond Photodesign but his family blog called Hammondville blog.  Both are insightful and entertaining to read.

Finally at the end of the workshop I got to meet more talented photographers like Randell Walker Photography thanks for the advice regarding web hosting.

Ahh Couture book,  I finally got to touch and feel the many textures of Couture books.  I know it sounds perverse but wow these books are amazing!!!  Dave, thanks for answering my many many questions.   

[b]ecker it was great that you were able to preview the well anticipated [b] school social network.  This Torontonian can't wait to sign up and connect with more awesome photographers. 

David Jay your methods and processes you shared at the Free to Succeed Tour were amazing and I'm going to use these concepts not only as a guiding principle in photography but also in my everyday life.    

Jasmine and JD, thanks for opening up your life story to us.  Jasmine, I think you are very grounded and brave to share your personal and vulnerable past with the audience.  I was fascinated, transfixed and emotional listening to your life story.  I also admire how you were able to use your life events to be a  "Determined" wedding photographer for your clients.  Thanks for the sermon and hope to connect with you again one day.  And all God's people say..." Amen".

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Happy Birthday Aiden!!!

The day finally had finally arrived and went...the birthday of my youngest son Aiden at the seasoned ripe age 0f 2.  It almost like it was yesterday when he was born fighting for his life like a Lion in Zion.    

It feels like it was yesterday when he was born fighting for his life like a LION in ZION.  Actually that is how he got his middle name Lionel (a heart of a lion).  After seeing Aiden for the 1st time I knew he would make it.  In fact, later that day I went to the gift shop and bought his 1st year birthday was a picture of a lion.  

I like to thank God for his all his blessings, my wife and kids for their strength, friends for positive vibes (ironically Aiden's shares the same birthday as his godmother Angela) and Jaida 
for watching over your brothers and sister.  We forever miss you.


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Renrick + Melody

I was hounored when Renrick and Melody asked me to take their 10th year anniversary pictures.  As we got to know each other, they reveled their previous experiences with another photographer on their wedding day.  Though they recited their story in a humourous fashion after hearing their plight I was determined to capture this joyous occasion in the prestigious manner it deserves.  What's impressive is that both of them wore their original wedding dress and suit for the photo shoot.  I wish I could say the same regarding my tuxedo.  Much respect to Melody and Renrick.  In the words of Melody this gallery is rightfully named "10 Years Later...the Journey Continues."  

I edited these pictures with some Pan music by Any Narell "The Passage" in the background...enjoy.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Bills vs. Steelers in T.O.

I got a chance to watch an awesome Buffalo Bills versus the Pittsburgh Steelers with my brother and brother in-law in Toronto.  Ofcourse, it's not comparable to Bills vs. Dolphins game that I attended in Buffalo a while back but at least the seats were warmer.  Overall the game was very exciting but it was disappointing my Steelers did not pull win.  

That being said, I feel Rogers took a big gamble bringing the NFL games into T.O.   Not because Torontonians will not be interested but more so that most Torontonians will not be willing to pay the suggested high price point.  As the first NFL game in TO was not sold out it remains to be seen how the future games will turn out.  Time will tell...but it doesn't look promising.  Just my humble opinion.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Jamaica Family Reunion-08

I just came back from a whirlwind vacation in Jamaica to attend my family reunion and my cousin's Wedding.  It was amazing for so many reasons.  It was great to come home and see al my family from Jamaica and abroad (from US to UK).  Plus, we also got a chance to welcome new members to the family from my cousin's wedding union was so fitting in this trips' theme about family.  Words cannot explain the feelings I felt throughout the family reunion as this is the first trip where I've came home without the able to see my mami (my grandma) who is the foundation of the family name.  I love you mami...we'll meet again soon.  To my family can't wait to do this again in 3 years!!!